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Friday, September 12, 2008

The calm before the storm.

First off, let me tell you the nightmare that is trying to get home yesterday. I got out of school early, and obviously so did everybody else from their job and what not because when I got to downtown to catch the midday bus, there was a line already forming. Soon enough, the bus came and it was full, there wasn't even any standing room left. Several people left the line to walk a few block to the previous bus stops, but boy oh boy, the line at every stop is no better. I ended up walking a good 15 blocks to the very first stop for that bus (all that walking in New York came in handy) and waited there.

The the bus service finally sent it free shuttles to cater to the large amount of people trying to get home. Alas, we found out that the HOV lane on the highway is closed. Wth?! And as you can imagine, traffic is horrendous, so the bus driver was kind enough to agree to try whatever route she can to get us home. We ended up taking this small backway and eventually made it to the Park & Ride. I got out of school at noon, got to downtown at 12:20, got on the bus at 13:05, got on the Park & Ride at 14:40, and finally made it home at 15:00. What an adventure.

Today, we should be getting the effects of the hurricane already, even though landfall is not expected until Saturday 1 am. When I look outside now, the sky is clear and everything is calm, but the wind has already made its presence. Not a strong wind yet, but it's noticeably more windy that any day in the past week. It is very unnerving to know that this wind will increase as the hour goes, and what now is a 17 mph wind is expected to be 71 mph at 4 am Saturday.

I can't imagine what it will be like, but we're as ready as we can be. We've got water and food and things alike, the backyard is rid of things that the wind can pick up, so for now we're just sitting, hoping, waiting.

15:10 -- I'm still watching the sky turns darker and wind grows stronger as the hour passes, 17 mph it is not anymore. Cousin M has taken Gramma to Cousin K's house at another part of town to stay with her and her family. Now there are only Cousin K2, my brother, and I at home. Cousin K2 and I are thinking of heading over to our Aunt's a couple of streets down later this evening so we could all be under one roof as we ride out this storm. My brother has decided to stay put at home, at least we'd be in the same neighborhood so that gives me some kind of a peace of mind.

The house is very quiet, as is the street, a few doors are boarded up. It is quite eerie to watch actually. Most of my friends and family at the other parts of town aren't in the mandatory evacuation area so we're staying put, and it's a comic relief to read everyone's Facebook status. Who would've thunk there is a million ways to say we're basically ready, albeit anxiously, awaiting Ike.

There is a birthday cake in the fridge, we'll be cutting that on Saturday stormy weather or not. My uncle, Cousin K2, and I have September birthdays, so we'll have some good moments at the least. I'm hoping everyone stays safe.

17:57 -- My brother, Cousin K2, and I just decided all three of us will stay at this house instead of going to my aunt's. Not going to have my brother here by himself, and not going to leave this house unattended. Trees branches are moving, the sky is a shade of gloom, and you can now hear the "woosh" of the wind every now and then. I'm just waiting for the first drop of rain, it should meet the ground at 20:00.

23:22 -- After losing power and internet around 19:00, we now have power and internet back. Cousin K and I went to our aunt's house after all while my brother went to the hotel where his fiance works. I don't know how long we're going to have this power and internet back on, but boy it's a good feeling. Surprisingly there is no rain yet, but you can clearly hear the wind outside. It's definitely picking up speed. Oh, Cousin S just said she heard rain. I guess the first raindrop is here after all.

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