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Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Hello 2008! 

Wow, it's the first day of the new year. Today has been...interesting.

I'm not going to lie and on my own blog and just going to write it as it is. My friend and I and her friends had dinner last night, and stayed in for the New Year's countdown. It was a blast, there were drinks, classic Disney movies, Kathy Griffin marathon, and heavenly chocolate mousse involved. Fun was had by all at the sleepover, and of course hangover also was had by all this morning. Also making an appearance to the new year is the panic of "OMG, who did I drunk dial/message last night and what inappropriate things did I say?" and the horror as we looked at the pictures from said sleepover. Yeah...it was fun.

Best food to have the morning after? IN N OUT. My first meal of 2008 was a number 2, animal style on the burger, from In N Out. It couldn't be better.

Right now, we're about to go to the happiest place on earth. Disneyland here we come, woot!

Happy New Year!!!

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