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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Red Bull, where are you?

Week 2 of being at school 8/9 am-4 pm Monday-Friday, and I am dead. All day lectures/labs and then having to keep up with the online classes and group projects left me so drained. But that's the way the semester is going to be, so I'll manage to keep up with it eventually. For now I'm just dead.

Had the first test of the semester today, it was over pregnancy and I got a 94. Also, I passed the meds calculation test, which I wasn't to worry about beforehand but once I got to the test, I realized that most of the questions were more complicated than what we reviewed. We have to make 100 on it to pass (granted you have 2 more chances if you fail the first one), so you can imagine we were all thinking we had to take it again next week. But I made a 100, so yay!

I'm gonna shower and go to bed. At 7 pm. Yes. I kid you not.

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