
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

'Tis a good day.

I'm grinning like a fool. I got the clinicals I wanted, my first choice!!!! Waaahooooo!!!I truly didn't expect this, as a LOT of people chose the same as my first and second choice, so I was actually expecting to get my third choice if I were to get any of my choices. But I didn't. I got my first choice and it works perfectly.

I'll be at Hospital M at the medical center hospital on Wednesday, which means I have to pick up my patient on Tuesday afternoon, which works out great since I already have classes that day, meaning I don't have to drive to the med center just to pick up a patient on a day I don't have to come for classes. Then Thursday afternoon until night I will be at Hospital L outside the medical center but it's not too far from my house, and I don't have to pick up a patient the day before for that clinical.

Oh, and I just got words today that my student loan has been approved.

I love it when miracles happen.

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