
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I am writing this from the very chaotic computer lab where it seems like every student in this building is here, either printing their schedules/syllabus/notes for all of their classes or bugging the IT people about putting their courses on Blackboard. Welcome to Spring 2008.

We picked our choices for clinicals this morning, but it's not a guaranteed as the location and time of many of the choices are crazy, thus leaving only a select few of "favorable" choices. I knew my first and second choices are the most wanted, but I have no other option but to submit them because I live in a suburb outside the city on the west side and the other hospitals are outside the city and on either the southeast or northeast side. So, I have to take my chances and pray I get the ones at the medical center, if not it'll be one hour drive for me to get to the other hospitals. Sigh, the downfall of living in a big metro area.

First lecture of the semester was okay, nothing out of the ordinary. I'm just trying to motivate myself back to the swing of things, ya know, back to the study routine. It's just that I forgot where I threw my self-discipline when I started winter break, and it's hard to find it now.

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