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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hi, I'm your mentor and I'm a little bit crazy.

I have just received the official list of advisers and mentors for the incoming Junior I class. It is official that I am on the rosters as one of the mentors, woo! This mentoring program in my school is designed to help the incoming nursing students who undoubtedly have a lot of questions and fears and in need of a support system, so as mentors we are available to answer their questions, advice, listen, and encourage the best we could. I'm just so excited to be one because this program has helped me so much before I even began last semester, just knowing from the beginning that I have 2 mentors that I could go to for help was a great reliever, so I'm hoping that I could do the same for the new kids.

I'm meeting my group of 4 mentees this Friday during their orientation, yay! And I'm so glad to have find that I am actually co-mentoring with a friend who was in the same clinical group as me last semester and the adviser for our group of mentees is one of our Pharmacology professors, who is one of the nicest-I'm not kidding-NICEST instructors on campus.

However, come to think of it, I'm a little nervous about saying the wrong things to these mentees, because that would be um, bad. "Yeah, I didn't really read the assigned chapters for that class, nah, that's too much, oh oops, not suppose to say that...." or "Yeah, I skipped her lectures sometimes, 'cuz ya know, didn't get anything out of her, I'd rather read the chapter later. Oh oooops...." So yeah, bad. It's like Joey on Friends when he didn't want to say the wrong things on a magazine interview so he invited everyone to stop him just in case, and he did good until the very end when he blew it, except that I'll be on my own on Friday and hopefully my friend doesn't say the wrong things either because having been in the same group, we kind of did these "bad" things together.....

So either we'd be the worst mentors, or we'd be the coolest mentors ever. I'm pulling for the latter.

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