
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Preview to how the rest of the semester is like.

Guess what Miss Cee is doing this weekend before school start on Monday?




My Women's Health class has its first test a week after it starts, the Pregnancy Unit, which I believe covers about 10 chapters. The notes are up on the student page. Yes, already. I know, school hasn't even started yet. Those instructors are really dedicated on starting us up early, I tell ya.

So we have been told by various senior students that Junior II is supposedly the hardest semester and it's supposed to be the semester where they weed out the kids who aren't strong enough to make it. It is well known that most drop outs from the nursing program at this school have done so during their Junior II. With that looming over my head, I am determined to make it out--alive, preferably, so I'm off to have a date with my textbook this weekend. It came in the mail this morning, red and shiny--heck, with the price tag, it better comes to me shiny.

Oh, the mentor thing went well this morning. Those new kids, they want to know everything, I mean everything. Which prof. is mean? Which prof. gives freebies? Do we have to be naked for head to toe? Which shoes are the best to get? Which cafeteria sandwich is the best?


To be honest, I was a little bewildered by some of the questions and even had to resort to the infamous critical thinking to answer those. YES! Critical thinking! I remember something from last semester, woot! Do I tell them that prof. appears mean but she's a softie at heart if you know how to talk to her? Do I tell them this about the hospital or that? Ya know, you want to be as much as a help to this youngins, but without giving too much information because they've got stuff to figure out on their own. Overall, we had a great time and my mentees wished me goodluck's as I told them I was going to study this afternoon. Aw, aren't they sweet.

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