
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tuesday, I don't like you.

Tuesday in the life of Cee.

4 am
Wake up. Get ready and put scrubs on, only to take the pants off again because I put them on backwards. This is normal when you get dressed half asleep.

5 am
Bus leaves from the park and ride.

6: 10 am
Bus gets to the transit center near school. Put bag in school's locker, almost forgetting the stethoscope. This is also normal when you're half asleep.

6: 35 am
Meet with group mates and instructor at the school lobby. Walk to Designated hospital together.

6:45 am
Breakfast at McDonalds, which is located inside the cafeteria of Designated hospital and the children hospital. Yes, McDonalds inside a hospital--children's hospital nonetheless, go figure....

7 am-10 am
Group is introduced to the floors on which we will have our clinical for the next 7 weeks.

10 am
A hint of back and foot aches due to hours of constant walking and standing up. We repeat "we'll get used to this" like a mantra. We also understand the existence ugly looking shoes on the nurses and techs. "Maybe," we think, "Those ugly shoes are comfortable after all...". Thus begins the battle of holding on to your I'm-never-ever-wearing-those-ugly-shoes principle versus giving into them ugly shoes for the sake of your feet and back.

10:05 am
Group goes into a patient's room and watch instructor does an assessment on the patient.

11 am
Instructor sends us to our respective floors to gather information from a patient's chart and the Designated hospital's computer system, and eventually meet said patient and do a short assessment.

12 pm
Clinical orientation ends, "real" clinical starts next week.

12:30 pm
Meet back at school with lunch for a post-clinical conference.

2 pm
A bunch of us nap in an empty classroom while the other bunch study a few feet away. I question my decision to nap instead of studying for a second and decided that nap takes precedence to studying.

3 pm
Wake up from a hell of a fabulous power nap. Feel sorry for the aforementioned studious friends, they should have napped and ditch the books.

4 pm
Pharmacology lecture starts. Those who have clinical earlier in the day mutter curses.

7 pm
Pharmacology lecture ends. Those who have clinical earlier in the day appear zombie-like.

8 pm
Step foot in my room for the first time since morning, 16 hours earlier.

9 pm

1 comment:

Prisca: said...


just reading that made me tired as I can so identify with you!

nursing school kills. tehe!

glad I found your blog and will add you to my links, prisca