
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The universe just hates me today...well, and yesterday too....

You know the cliche that says doctors and nurses make for the worst patients? True.

I got a taste of that in clinical yesterday. When I informed the patient that I was giving his SubQ, he scoffed with that "Nuh uh, you ain't giving that" look. My instructor was surprised as well, but what can we say, we just have to respect the patient's decision. I thought his being a nurse would make him more understanding, seeing as once upon a time he was a student nurse too, but I guess not. Heck, he didn't even let the charge nurse drew the syringe, let just say the only reason he didn't give it himself was because he couldn't reach and see all the way back to his butt.

Yesterday's Pharm test totally raped us, and everybody was bitching about it afterward. We pretty much told each other the same story, which is within the first 3 questions we went "What the hell is this??!!!" and declared ourselves doomed. Yeah...not good.

Today, it took forever for the view grade page to load. I'm not kidding it feels like I'm back at the ancient time where internet was slow was a snail. Finally a year and a minute later, I found out my grade is thisclose to a B. Oh wells, I don't like it but it's better than what a lot of us expected to get on that test, so I made peace with it.

Today, someone stole my lunch. Yes, as in I put my Healthy Choice lunch in a plastic bag, tied it, and put it in the school's fridge before class and when I went to get it after class it was gone. None. Nada. Disappeared. And this is after I found out that Pharm's grade and I was tired and hungry. I was mad. I mean really mad, steam blowing out of my ears mad.

If I just shove the box in the fridge I would get it if someone just took it, but it was in a tied plastic bag just like everybody else's lunch in that stocked fridge. So do people just decide to open everybody's lunch in the school's fridge in hope to find something they can steal? "Oh look, a PB & J sandwich! Ew, no! Tuna sandwich! Hmm, good but not great, let see what else do we got here. Oh, a chicken alfredo microwave lunch! Let's steal that one!" Die you stupid lunch stealer, die!

Must I really put a note on my lunch that says my name and a "DO NOT STEAL" post-it? None of the lunches in that fridge had that kind of "back off" notes, and I would hate it to be the only one to bestow such snarky message. And the thing is, lunch stealer could've bought the same freaken microwave lunch plus salads and sandwiches from the cafe on the first floor. What is wrong with you, lunch stealer??!!

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