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Thursday, February 28, 2008

The one with the poo.

Okay, I get it. I get why parents can be obsessed with their baby's poops.

I spent today's clinical at the newborn nursery, and having changed many poopy diapers, all I want to tell my friends now is the many kind of poops I saw. I mean, did you know that a cutie patootie baby can generate a poop of gross epic proportion?! And it that color?! And in that form?!! And that often?! Who would've thunk it?!

I also believe my kidlet invented a new game called "Oops, I did it again!", in which I change the dirty diaper, turn around for a second to dump it in the trash, only to find upon return that the kidlet has pooped--again--and peed--again. Anyway, today was a good one--a really good one--aside from how many times my baby pooped.

Oh, one more thing, counting newborn's heart rate is another story. It sounds easy when they say "You count for 6 seconds then times 1o", not so easy when heart rate goes 123456789101112131415 in 6 seconds.... I think I lost track and had to redo it several times before getting it right. Oh, and I gave erythromycin eye ointment and vitamin K shot. Yay!

And by now I am also tone deaf to newborn cries....

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