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Sunday, February 17, 2008


Ugh, this lazy spell has got to go!!!

I have a big Acute test tomorrow and what have I done so far? Not much. I've been "studying" if I could say. I've only studied the notes and have a complete disinterest in the textbook (have only started to open it only to stare at it). The amount of time I've spent procrastinating is also amazingly plentiful.

And the thing that worried me the most is not the test tomorrow. It is that I feel like I could care less about it. It's worth 30%, it's the first test, it covers a LOT of materials, I should be FREAKING OUT by now! And I'm not. I'm lazily flipping through the book like...whatever.

What is wrong with me??!!! Bah, I don't like this. This is so not me. Yet, I have no motivation whatsoever to do anything differently.

I am doomed.

1 comment:

Prisca: said...

Oh man, I used to procrastinate over the weekends. Studying all the time is hard!!!! Hope your test went well! :)