
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Is it that obvious?

Starbucks, 6:45 this morning.

Barista: "Hey, how are ya doin' this morning."

Me: "Okay." (considering I spent the past week studying for today's Concepts test)

Barista: "Hangin' in there?"

Me: "Yeah...test this morning."

Barista: "Aaaaahhhhh.... (in that no-wonder-she-looks-so-haggard tone) Need your caffeine, huh?"

Me: "Mmm hmm....."

Barista: "Good luck!"

Me: "Thanks."

I guess it's either the barista is really perceptive or I wear the tired and stressed out nursing student face really well. The dark circles under the eyes gave it away methinks.

And it should be illegal to be that chipper that early in the morning....

1 comment:

XE said...

Some of the baristas are eerily perceptive about such things. I know mine are anyway. It's weird, I walk in, and they automatically know it's exam season!