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Monday, August 27, 2007

Nursing School

Today is my first day and it went pretty well if I may say so myself.

One of the new things I'm getting used to is that each of my Monday classes is taught by several instructors, so it's sort of this tandem teaching thing going on. The course manager of the first class reminded me of Stanley Tucci, the other instructor reminded me of Colonel Sanders, and another one reminded me of Kimmie Gibbler of Full House, then the course manager of the second class suddenly started teaching in a Russian accent. It was madness. But funny. And made those lectures bearable. And you gotta love instructors who throw candies to their students before they start their morning lecture--well, they might do that just because it was the first day and they didn't wanna bring out their claws just yet....

I am not fond of when my Assessment lab is scheduled. The day it is on is fine but the time, ugh, forces me to drive in to school instead of taking the bus, wasting my gas and money for parking. Hatehate.

So one of the instructors mentioned above admitted to the effort of arranging lecture materials into a rap, in her words: "I have yet to compose the rap and the beat, but in the foreseeable future I see myself do the (makes a kinda DJ playing the record movement) wiki wiki...."

I think the whole class was just about to die of laughter at a Kimmie Gibbler lookalike attempting what she termed "the wiki wiki", whatever that is....

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