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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Have you met these study partners?

The last couple of years of pre-requisite classes were relatively easy and I breezed past the courses with mostly A's, some B's, and only two C's. But this nursing school thing is new, it's unfamiliar territory, it's just what I need to kick my lazy ass up and going. Nowadays, I could no longer get an A on a test by "studying" the night before let alone without. I actually have to study, ya know, the one where the TV is actually OFF and the iTunes is low on volume--I cannot study in absolute silent--and there is a warning on your forehead that says "Beware, studying in progress. Bother me, and I kill you" and there is a thermos full of caffeinated beverage of choice.

And then there is this thing called study group which could either boost your self esteem or burst it. It's like a beauty pageant, "Oh my GOD! She twirls fire baton, pppfft, like that could win over my pantomime! Oh no she didn't, her teeth are whiter than mine!" Yeah, not pretty. Then, there is such trouble as finding the right study partner to avoid said beauty pageant-esque situation. And you don't want to have too many of study partners either, because then you'd be discussing which country the Brangelina will adopt their next kidlet from. Oh the dilemma....

It's a trial and error process and I have yet to find the right group of people to study with. Nevertheless, I have encountered these extreme types on my quest to find the chosen ones.

The Nazi
The one who quizzes you like you have done, oh I don't know, the crime of the century. The one who asks the question 100mph without missing a beat. The one who gets pissed if you even dare to ask for a repeat of the question and the one who will deem you unfit as his/her study partner.

Nazi: "DoctororderedTagamet60mg/dayPOover3doseschild'sweight50kgonhand200mg/2ml. Howmanyml/dosewillyougive?

Me: "HUH?! What..?!"

Nazi: "What do you mean you don't know?! This is someone else's life! Someone, take her away, she's dangerous!"

And down the drain goes my self esteem.

The Detective
The one who asks every.single.details. The one who interrupts if you miss one minuscule fact that even the instructor has told us not to worry about.

Detective: "Z-track."

Me: "Pull skin, inj--"

Detective: "How many inches?"

Me: "Hu-oh, 1-1 1/2". Inject 90 degree, aspirate, inje--"

Detective: "Where are your fingers at this point?"

Me: "Two holding the needle stable. Left hand aspirate and inject slowly, withdr--"

Detective: "You wait how long?"

Me: "5 seconds?"

Detective taps fingers on the table with stone face.

Me: "8? 9? 10?"

And further down the sewer goes my self esteem.

The Snob
The one who is so unreasonably nit picky about this study group thing.

Me: "Hey, K and I are going to study tomorrow before lecture, you wanna join?"

Snob: "K? Isn't that the one who sits next to you? Ugh, annoying."

Me: "Um, oookaay then...."

Snob: "But hey, do you wanna study with me and S tomorrow before lecture? S looks really smart."

Me : "Yeah, my dog looks really smart too and he's scared of a lion plush toy...."

The Easy One
The one who agrees with basically whatever you say, even when what you said isn't entirely true and you know it.

Easy One: "Asthma?"

Me: "Can't breathe."

Easy One: "Fabulous. Emphysema?"

Me: "Can't breathe."

Easy One: "Wonderful. Bronchitis?"

Me: "Can't breathe."

Easy One: "Great, you're gonna make 100 on the test."

Me: "And the moon is blue tomorrow...."

Have you met yours? Or have you met any of these extreme ones? Or have met other extremes I did not mention here?

I am determined to find the right study partner(s) before my projected graduation date....


Ms-Ellisa said...

The know it all:
"hey, may I ask a question?"
you "sure"
KIA "Have you done "last chapter" yet?"
you "uhm...no,not yet"
KIA wide eyes in shock, her mind reads: oh dear god she is WAY behind.
You notice the shock and say "never mind, go ahead, the lecture was only yesterday"
KIA- disapproves of your unprofessional style, but what the heck: "well, on page 59284572, under the picture, the label, the tiny lettering, caption of drug reads: may cause fever. How can it cause fever if we are giving it for fdghjt-sth-itis?"
You "well actually the prof said that's because.... -you repeat exact sentence of prof-"
KIA "oh." rolls eyes in desperation of your stupidity- of course she won't trust you- she is FAR better than you- "thanks" -she leaves your table with no attempt of hiding the fact that she won't take your advice.
You stay still, your rage higher than ever, because
1. She asked you.
2. You clearly hadn't studied that yet
3. You gave her advice.
4. Despite asking it, she didn't accept it. So why did she ask it in the first place?

Cee said...

LOL. I will stay away from the Know It All.

mstpbound said...

i like your blog! :) :) i just started med school, and thus far i've been studying alone...but we'll see how far that'll take me before i cave and start seeking out study partners of my own. :D

Anonymous said...

Good post.