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Monday, August 13, 2007


I am D to the O, the N the E with summer school with a B to boot!

Now I have been doing little to nothing ever since school is done (have about a week of break before a string of orientations and eventually the semester) and was actually quite confused of what to do with this oh so much free time. But fear no more for I have made a to do list, which consist of:

1. Get my car an alignment service and get it inspected.

2. Clean my room, it looks like my closet flew in and exploded there. Not pretty. This brings me to number 3.

3. Fold the clean clothes, it's been in the basket for...hrrmm a week? I think....

4. Pick up a new book to read, probably My Sister's Keeper.

5. Get my friend her long overdue birthday present, which brings me to number 6.

6. Wish my other friend a belated 'Happy Birthday' (what? I was busy studying...), which brings me to number 7.

7. Get Dad's birthday present. Don't worry, I actually remembered calling him on the day. This brings me to number 8.

8. Figured out where to have a my birthday dinner--a proper one--before we go clubbing and get trashed for the night....

9. Get up early tomorrow morning to take the newly-arrived-to-the-U.S. of A cousin to see the counselor at his school. Thing reminds me of number 10.

10. Call the student life office and demand them of my I-20. Damn, I would've been rich if I had a dolla' for everytime they said "It'll be ready soon, I'll call you." Apparently their standard of 'soon' is different than mine, I thought 'soon' meant within a week or two and they thought 'soon' is 3 months and going. Bah.

11. Figured out the time and dates for my three orientations and the CPR class. Yes, they're making me go to three, go figure. One for International Students, One for new Undergraduate Nursing Students, one is for something else I couldn't remember which is why this is on the to do list. Bah Bah.

12. Pay Fall Semester tuition. BAH BAH BAH!

That is all.

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