
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

T-I-to the R-the E-the D.

Okay seriously, somehow, I must have managed to permanently implant this exhausted look on my face because the nurse director of the floor I'm doing my clinical at said to me today as I was leaving, "Wow, you look tired." And I thought, well, I am tired, but not nearly as I usually would after a 12 hour shift. I only pulled an 8 hours shift today, this is nothing! How tired do I look?!

Last Monday, the student life lady, whom I know fairly well, came up to me as she passed me in the school cafe and said, "Are you okay?" I, perplexed at the question, replied, "Well...I have been sick for the last 2 weeks. But I'm alright now."

"Ah, I can tell." Then I coughed and she shook her head, "Wow, you sound rough." And I thought, lady, you should've heard me last week. That was rough.

Now I'm wondering, goodness gracious, what is this haggard look I have plastered on my face?! I'm not feeling that bad.... Has the stress of nursing school finally managed to age me into looking like a 30 something stay at home mom with 4 kids under the age of 5?! Maybe I should do some Botox or plastic surgeries done like that octomom and look like Angelina Jolie. Ya know, 14 kids and little money but damn, I look like a supahstah!

And I'd be like, I have HESI at the end of the month and I'm studying my ass off, but damn, I look like I get 8 hours of sleep every night and not under any stress whatsoever! Take that, nursing school! Heh. I'm kidding, I'll never get anything done on my face. I'd like my forehead to have the ability to move and look...ya know...normal.

Next time you see me, just tell me I look great and glowing like the rays of sun on a cheerful Sunday morning. You tell me I look tired, I'm sending Cookie my ADD dog to maul you.

1 comment:

katalina said...

Cee you look gorgeous dahling. Don't worry I lookedlike that too. It's school + just getting over an illness. Things will brighten up soon!