
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it snow!

White flurries started to fall this Wednesday afternoon, and as my friends and I sat at a bar celebrating the end of the semester, those small white flurries turned to snow flakes that fell from the sky as if it was a white curtain drawing close our stage as we finished "The Final Exams" scene of Act I of "The Senior Year". It couldn't be a more fitting closure to this chaotic first half of our play. We started off with Hurricane Ike and ended with a freezing weather topped with snow. Darn that mother nature! But for now, we can rest in our dressing room for a 6 weeks intermission before Act II starts.

And for the record, the last time it snowed in this city was 4 years ago. And when it does snow, it's never that much snow, so excuse us for going ga-ga with this snow thing because we don't usually get this kind of thing down here.

Let me shout it out, because I can: I AM D.O.N.E! Done done done done done!!!! I can't describe how relieve I am that it is all over and I can finally breathe again. Today's final was fair, much like the Pedi final. I passed that Adult final with flying colors and rounded up a high B for the class. It feels really good to finally be able to say "I have one semester left in nursing school"--a little scary too, but good, nonetheless.

Like I have mentioned before, I have 6 weeks intermission before Act II starts. 6 weeks that I am very much looking forward to spend enjoying a normal life. SUUUHHHWWWEEEET!!!