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Thursday, July 19, 2007

The U. N., Test #2, and The Free Printing.

Dr. M as he passed our tests back: "Waboo...muh...ley? Wabo...meh...ley?"

Wabomule*: "It's wa-bo-moo-ley."

Dr. M: "Okay, sorry. Pak...tuh...?"

Phakstahki*: "Puck-stuh-kee."

Dr. M: "Gotcha. Che...hee...."

Che Hui*: "It's ceh-hwee."

Dr. M: "Goodness gracious, it's like the U. N. in here!"

Me thinking: "Tee hee, wait till he gets to my name....."

Which of course, he did butcher it.

*names have been changed.

As you can see, we got test #2 back already--well, actually we were allowed to write on the test and we went over it after everybody had turned in their answer sheet, and I made a high B, which is much much better than test#1, a letter grade above the last one. Huuuzzaaah!!!!

In another good news, my have-gone-to-crappy-community-college-for-too-long self was reminded of the amazingness (I know that's not really a word, but humor me) that is FREE printing at the university computer lab. Holy free printing Batman! All this time, I've been wasting papers and ink at home for these lectures printouts when I could've done it here for free??!!

But then being deprived of any good service at said community college got me all skeptical. I mean, really?! Are you sure they're not going to bill me for this later?! There really isn't any pay card machine jigmajig here??

That got me a head smacking by my friend, "You fool, just press PRINT already!"

And I did, all wide-eyed as if the print button was to open heaven's gate or something....

But as my AP Economics teacher in high school once said: there is no such thing as free lunch, I did pay for those free printing in my tuition. Oh wells....

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