
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

"Oh, there is another one....."

On the morning of 27th, I received a phone call from my mom. It was night time where she lives (we originated from an South East Asian country) and she sounded tired yet happy, the reason being that she and Dad had just become proud grandparents to twin baby girls. My SIL gave birth--4 weeks early--after long hours of labor.

But that is not the whole story.

The whole is that all along we were expecting a single baby girl, ultrasound technician and OB/GYN himself confirmed a single baby girl, that is until a baby girl did come out but OB/GYN noticed that SIL's tummy was still round and swell. So he prodded around and lo and behold, there is another one, say hello to baby #2, y'all!

Bah! What the hell?! How could they missed twins during 8 months of prenatal care??!! I realized that they opted with the old school ultrasound, none of that fancy schmancy level 4 one, but still! There are two heartbeats, is it really possible not to hear two?! Or was it just pure carelessness?

I think it was the latter.

SIL's OB/GYN was the doctor who birthed my two brothers and I, so my mom was quite loyal and defended him when I criticized bitched on his (and the ultrasound technician's) skill, or lack of thereof. The OB/GYN blamed said ultrasound technician for the mishap and excused it with the twins' on top of each other position instead of side by side, hence the appearance of one baby on the screen. As for the heartbeat, he made an excuse of they were beating at the same time so he could not differentiate, plus he was going on the confirmed ultrasound of one baby. Mom seemed to accept it and let it go, but I beg to differ. I (and a few friends and a nurse I've talked about this to) still can't wrapped it around our mind that they missed it.

Fortunately, the babies are healthy. Baby #1 weighed in at 2. 3 kg (4 lbs. 7 oz.) and baby #2 was 2. 248 kg (4 lbs. 648 oz.). Baby #2 had some breathing difficulty shortly after birth, but she's pulled out of it and is going to be fine. My grandparents who live here are elated at the news, seeing their faces when I told them the news were something I would never forget, though it broke my heart a little that they won't be able to see their great granddaughters in the near future. They haven't been officially named, though Mom just said they are thisclose to putting the names down on the birth certificates--the last I heard they are Arabella and Aurelia. I, as the proud aunt, approve of the names.

Now I have to shop double for the baby stuffs. Le sigh. I'm turning into one of those aunts who spoil the kidlets rotten....

In other news, aka nursing school wise, final is a mere two weeks away. Comprehensive final, 'nuff said. I can foresee a lot of long hours and late nights studying and very little to none going out of the house in the next two weeks, very bleak and gloomy future I say. Oy....

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