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Thursday, March 13, 2008


Last night, I had a dream that I got the out of town internship that I wanted. When I was a kid, someone told me that what happens in your dream, the opposite will happen in reality, but, I know some who say otherwise. The point is, I am never one to read into dreams or to be superstitious, so I'm not going to read into this. It probably happened because it's been on my mind a lot, and I have been anxiously waiting for the answer now that it is mid-March, which when the recruiter said I will receive the yes or no letter.

Anyway, clinical went well tonight, I was on postpartum. Post-conference, though, was something else. Have I ever said that my OB CI is a comedienne as well? Well, let it be said now that she is HIL-freaking-ARIOUS!

And and and, SPRING BREAK IS HERE!!!!! WAAAHOOOO!!!! Granted, I have to study for the big ass Acute test the Monday we come back, but pssshhh, I can still SLEEP in for a week! A WEEK, I say! *dances*

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