I need an medium sized empty notebook/journal thing and I keep forgetting to buy it and that means I keep forgetting what to write. Bah! This forgetfullness is not conducive to my writing because a lot of times when I'm away from the computer and home (which is like 80% of my day), I have thoughts running in my mind. A lot of thoughts, about everything and nothing, fiction and non, deep and random, and what have you, and It happens during lectures and labs, while waiting for the bus and in the bus, when I'm falling asleep, and blah blah blah. It's really annoying sometimes, but what can a girl do? Well, what I do is that I usually just look like I'm a deer in the headlights when my mind goes somewhere else until something or someone snaps me back to present day.
When it happens I get all excited because yay I have something to write about! But then I get all bummed because boo, I'm not in front of the computer and I won't be until like 12356126 hours later. Oh, the sorrow of life.... Anyway, when I do get to the computer 12356126 hours later, I'm all tired and cranky from this thing called school and I want to write but nothing is hardly ever produced from my tired and cranky mind. This brain, we need to have a talk, it needs to cooperate when I need it to.
Enters this journal. I've been thinking about getting it after an advice from someone but, again, this thing called school messes up with the to do list that I have in, yes, the brain. See, what do I tell you? This brain and I need to have a talk STAT. It needs to remember stuffs other than school stuffs, like stuffs pertaining to LIFE, assuming I have one outside of school. Again, see how many times "school" has been mentioned so far? You get the idea.
Anyhoo, I can carry said journal wherever I go, and when when my mind starts running with thoughts--like, everytime--I can whip journal out and jot down the thoughts, then the mind can stop running--at least that's my plan. Mind, you hear me? Brain, you hear that too? Now the thing is, I need to actually go buy it. My goal is to buy at before the year ends. Heh.
Oh, and it's Christmas time, which means presents--buying presents for others. I used to shout with glee when it comes to buying presents for others, this altruistic heart of mine actually likes getting stuffs for others. But if you have been paying attention to this post, you should know what I'm going to say about this. Do you?
If you said I'm going to say I have turned into the grinch, you're very wrong and you need to actually read this post instead of skimming through it. Now go back to the beginning and read again. However, if you said I haven't done my Christmas shopping because I have no time, then ding ding ding ding ding! You're right. School has put the kibosh on the Christmas shopping.
So friends, I most likely won't have anything materialistic to give you this Christmas. I only have love and warm wishes to give to you (hey that sounds like a Hallmark card!). Heck, I don't even know what I want for Christmas, I'm too scatterbrained to think. That journal, it's becoming like water to me. Its necessity has become that crucial to my well function. Sometimes, I think it'd be easier if I don't write, but then I think well, then what do I do when I procrastinate? No writing meaningless/random posts? Whaaa?! No!
So the point of my writing this is actually because I'm near the computer and 20 minutes away of going to class, and darn it I need to jot down something really important, which is: