
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Random Monday musing.

Did this morning stupidly: was about to step onto the bus only to realize that I forgot my ID badge which has my Metro card. Ended up driving to school this morning, blah.

Seen this morning: a man driving near medical center vicinity in an old vintage car with the roof open and the license plate reads "APGAR X". Well, alright then Mr. OB/GYN/Neonatalogist, carry on....

Received this morning: a bar of quite a fancy chocolate from a friend out of the blue right before lecture starts. I like friends who give little surprises, made my Monday. :)

Popped up in my mind this morning: a quote by a mother of a patient as told by the night shift nurse to me and preceptor as we were getting report. Mom sought the nurse because the kid was crying in the middle of the night, when nurse came, mom said to said nurse, "Can you please calm him down? He needs some human contact." Most outrageous quote I have ever heard in a hospital setting.

Watched this morning on the laptop before lecture: Gossip Girl episode from season 1. Shut up, I'm trying to catch up with TV shows these days. I'm trying to stay connected to the outside pop culture world here....


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