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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Suckity Suck.

Oh good, not only that I can't get out on my Saturday birthday this weekend due to Peds exam #1 on Monday, now I'll be studying in the storm and quite possibly with candles and flashlights should we lose electricity. Great, nothing like a gloomy, rainy, stormy, and quite possibly floody birthday.

School is more than likely closed tomorrow. Today after class would be hurricane proofing the house and getting last minute supplies. School might open again on Monday pending damage and power availability.

There is not a plan for my family to evacuate as of now. When Rita came 2 years ago, we evacuated to Dallas. What should be a 5 hours drive became a 24 hours drive, which lead to the demise of my Grandfather's health. He suffered a mini stroke on the long trip related to poor circulation secondary to prolonged sitting as evidenced by...okay, I'll stop the nursing diagnosis-esque sentence here. Point is, he never fully recovered his health from then on. He finally passed away late July this year.

Based on that, I think we just collectively decided to stay home because we couldn't do the same thing to Grandma. I will admit that I have some fears about evacuating, thinking of what it might do to Grandma's health. So we're staying put, and we're prepared.

For all of you who live in the area to be hit by Hurricane Ike, be safe. For all of you who don't, please keep us in your prayers and thoughts. I'll try to keep you posted throughout the weekend.

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