
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Just as I am determined to stop the doh! moments, my brain refused to co-operate and continues farting, and in the process humiliates me even more. I am sure by now my friends are wondering how the heck did I get into nursing school....

Doh! moment exhibit 1235263512362:

Cee saw J, a friend in the same OB group and who she used to carpool with to the hospital, who sat a few rows in front of her. Mind you, clinical has been over for 2 weeks now, and we have not carpooled since then, and today we start our series of group presentations.

Cee: "Hey! Are you presenting today?"

J looked at me funny and mouthed: "I'm in your group!"

Cee did not understand and mouthed back: "What??!!"

J looked at me strange: "We're together!"

Cee still did not get it: "Huh?! I can't hear you!"

O, who sat next to me: "She said she and you are in the same group TOGETHER!!!!"

Cee: "Oh...right...."


Wow, my brain is fried....

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