
Any identifying information (age, gender, location, yadda yadda yadda) about school, hospital staff, and patients has been changed to protect their privacy.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

"Oh, there is another one....."

On the morning of 27th, I received a phone call from my mom. It was night time where she lives (we originated from an South East Asian country) and she sounded tired yet happy, the reason being that she and Dad had just become proud grandparents to twin baby girls. My SIL gave birth--4 weeks early--after long hours of labor.

But that is not the whole story.

The whole is that all along we were expecting a single baby girl, ultrasound technician and OB/GYN himself confirmed a single baby girl, that is until a baby girl did come out but OB/GYN noticed that SIL's tummy was still round and swell. So he prodded around and lo and behold, there is another one, say hello to baby #2, y'all!

Bah! What the hell?! How could they missed twins during 8 months of prenatal care??!! I realized that they opted with the old school ultrasound, none of that fancy schmancy level 4 one, but still! There are two heartbeats, is it really possible not to hear two?! Or was it just pure carelessness?

I think it was the latter.

SIL's OB/GYN was the doctor who birthed my two brothers and I, so my mom was quite loyal and defended him when I criticized bitched on his (and the ultrasound technician's) skill, or lack of thereof. The OB/GYN blamed said ultrasound technician for the mishap and excused it with the twins' on top of each other position instead of side by side, hence the appearance of one baby on the screen. As for the heartbeat, he made an excuse of they were beating at the same time so he could not differentiate, plus he was going on the confirmed ultrasound of one baby. Mom seemed to accept it and let it go, but I beg to differ. I (and a few friends and a nurse I've talked about this to) still can't wrapped it around our mind that they missed it.

Fortunately, the babies are healthy. Baby #1 weighed in at 2. 3 kg (4 lbs. 7 oz.) and baby #2 was 2. 248 kg (4 lbs. 648 oz.). Baby #2 had some breathing difficulty shortly after birth, but she's pulled out of it and is going to be fine. My grandparents who live here are elated at the news, seeing their faces when I told them the news were something I would never forget, though it broke my heart a little that they won't be able to see their great granddaughters in the near future. They haven't been officially named, though Mom just said they are thisclose to putting the names down on the birth certificates--the last I heard they are Arabella and Aurelia. I, as the proud aunt, approve of the names.

Now I have to shop double for the baby stuffs. Le sigh. I'm turning into one of those aunts who spoil the kidlets rotten....

In other news, aka nursing school wise, final is a mere two weeks away. Comprehensive final, 'nuff said. I can foresee a lot of long hours and late nights studying and very little to none going out of the house in the next two weeks, very bleak and gloomy future I say. Oy....

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Study Habits: Which One are You?

This was brought up to me while reviewing cramming for test #2 with a bunch of study buddies. We discussed our own study habits and those that we have heard of others doing, it is quite interesting and amusing.

Strategy wise:

The note cards makers--The ones who make a stack of super near note cards and study them like it's a treasure map. You can also count on these cards being carried around like crack on Pete Doherty, they are available for study purposes anytime anywhere. Lining up for hours to get Deathly Hallows at the bookstore? No problemo! The note cards makers will whip out them note cards from their jeans pocket and study!

The lectures listeners--The ones who listen to recorded lectures agibizillion times. Remember that episode of Friends when Joey listens to that tape religiously even in his sleep? Yeah, it's like that. Expect their iPod to be filled with "Neoplasm-Dr. M 6/26/07", "Asthma-Dr. M 7/3/07", and "Stroke-Dr. M 6/12/07".

The lectures transcriptors--The lectures listeners can turn in these, which are the ones who write down every single word the professor said on the lecture. Every. Single. Word. I didn't think this type exists, but I have seen the notebook with the lecture transcript with my own eyes. I was rather baffled by it....

The notesers--The ones who study almost everything from their notes and their notes only. Textbook is deemed to make one even more confused. It is not the Bible, it shall be used only as a reference.

The textbookers--The opposite of the above. They study textbook as religiously as--if not more than--their notes. Back problem can surface from carrying those big-assed textbooks in their backpack everywhere with them.

Place wise:

The library goers--The ones who make a pilgrimage to the library and set up his/her own little camp in the quietest and dustiest corner of said library, by camp I mean sleeping bag and alarm clock--coffee thermos and air freshener are sometimes included. They have the ability to sit at one place with their books for long hours. Some of them are known to give you death glares if God forbid you drop a pen and its clinking bursts their hardcore studying. They strictly abide by the silence is golden motto.

The people watchers--The ones who study at the park or by the window of a coffee shop so every ten minutes they can look up and be distracted. The people minding their own business and definitely not studying motivate these people watchers. "Just wait until next week when I'm done with this test, I will be free to join you non-studying people! One more week, dammit!"

The bookstorers--The ones who go to Barnes & Nobles or Borders with the intention to study but make a detour to the magazines or newly arrived section. Reading anything but the study materials is like a warm up before the real thing, but sometimes the bookstore-rers would lose their self control and say "Oh screw studying, Lindsay Lohan is crashing another car and Britney Spears is flashing her hoo-ha and Paris Hilton is going to jail and jebus did i read that right? Nicole Richie is pregant, yo!"

The homies--Those who don't go to the library or bookstore or coffee shop to study. They are only an arm reach of one's own computer and iTunes and food and TV, all are distractive in nature but oh so hard to let go. The idea of studying somewhere bereft of the comfort of their own home is terrifying. "What if someone sends me a mighty important email and I need to reply ASAP otherwise someone will...die or something? What if Oprah's camera crew shows up with a car for me??!! And there I was studying at Barnes freaken Nobles, do you understand how suck that would be?! Huh, huh huh?!!!"


Strategy wise, I am a noteser. I do use the textbook don't get my wrong but just for a review before or after a the lecture and as a reference to add things to my notes when I feel like I miss something my professor says in class. When it comes to study for the test, it is my notes that I study the most, I rarely study both notes and textbook in the week leading up to a test.

I think the transcripting thing is just crazy and not a good way to study. The one who did this was actually the one who brought up the discussion because he has been frustrated with this method--duh!--and needed an advice on how to study better.

I tried the bookstore thing, didn't work to well for me. I got sucked in with the magazines and new novels and my study plan went to a deep dark abyss real fast. I have a short attention span when it comes to studying, and this is why I am not a note cards maker and the library goer. I don't have the patience to make note cards and I cannot stand sitting long hours straight in one place just staring at my notes. I need distractions, therefore, I am a homie. Ahoy!

I am quite reluctant to study outside my home because it is a task that requires more than just a couple of hours, hence the need to be surrounded by things I know and am comfortable with. I want to go use the bathroom without having to bring all my stuff along with me or worry about someone's stealing my stuff if I leave them at a library/bookstore/coffee shop. I need to have music playing when I study, music that I actually like, not the overly played songs from the radio. I need to be able to lean back and feel the plushy couch, not a hard wooden chair.

I could not would not stand studying in the library. Bookstores are too much of a temptation. A cafe or a park I could do, though not my first choice. Home does it for me, I guess there really is no place like home. Hee!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The U. N., Test #2, and The Free Printing.

Dr. M as he passed our tests back: "Waboo...muh...ley? Wabo...meh...ley?"

Wabomule*: "It's wa-bo-moo-ley."

Dr. M: "Okay, sorry. Pak...tuh...?"

Phakstahki*: "Puck-stuh-kee."

Dr. M: "Gotcha. Che...hee...."

Che Hui*: "It's ceh-hwee."

Dr. M: "Goodness gracious, it's like the U. N. in here!"

Me thinking: "Tee hee, wait till he gets to my name....."

Which of course, he did butcher it.

*names have been changed.

As you can see, we got test #2 back already--well, actually we were allowed to write on the test and we went over it after everybody had turned in their answer sheet, and I made a high B, which is much much better than test#1, a letter grade above the last one. Huuuzzaaah!!!!

In another good news, my have-gone-to-crappy-community-college-for-too-long self was reminded of the amazingness (I know that's not really a word, but humor me) that is FREE printing at the university computer lab. Holy free printing Batman! All this time, I've been wasting papers and ink at home for these lectures printouts when I could've done it here for free??!!

But then being deprived of any good service at said community college got me all skeptical. I mean, really?! Are you sure they're not going to bill me for this later?! There really isn't any pay card machine jigmajig here??

That got me a head smacking by my friend, "You fool, just press PRINT already!"

And I did, all wide-eyed as if the print button was to open heaven's gate or something....

But as my AP Economics teacher in high school once said: there is no such thing as free lunch, I did pay for those free printing in my tuition. Oh wells....

Monday, July 16, 2007

Scene from a study desk

Test number 2 coming right up.
iPod, food, and other distractions not pictured.
What? I'm a procrastinator at heart, there have to be distractions....

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Ebert & Roeper, is that you?

A professor when trying to convince us to watch the movie 'Iris' with Kate Winslet and Judi Dench, which he deemed had the best portrayal of Alzheimer's disease:

"If you're offended by nudity, don't watch it. If you're offended by one sex scene, don't watch it. If you're offended by F-word, no, two F-words, don't watch it."

Insert chuckles from the class here.

"It's a really good movie, you really should watch it. The nudity isn't a lot, it's just a younger Iris Murdoch played by Kate Winslet going skinny dipping on the river by her and her husband's cottage. If you've noticed by now Kate Winslet has no problem undressing in her movies, so there ya have it. Kate Winslet jumping into the water...naked."

Insert laughs from the class here.

"The sex scene you can't see anything from it. The husband came home and found her having sex with their friend, as he opened the door to their bedroom the camera panned to his face so you don't see much. So really, still go rent this movie."

Insert eye rollings from the class here.

"Then the F-word, you can't use any other word but it in that scene. The emotions, the drama, it really was the best usage of the F-word. You can't say any other word. you can't say 'Oh, Fickle!!!' No, you have to say Fu.... So go rent the movie, it's really good."

Insert "Do we get extra credit if we watch it?" from someone at the back of the classroom followed by a chorus of "Yeah" across the room.

"No, but you should watch it anyway."

Insert a collective disappointed sighs from the class.

"Now, moving on to the stages of Alzheimer's....."

"Oh thank GOD! I thought he was gonna go on about every single detail of this movie until class ends, " said A, the person sitting next to me.

"No shit. I thought he was going to bring it for us to watch after the test next week..." said the person next A.

"For shame, I would've brought popcorns," I said.

"I would've brought margaritas...." said A.

This class really amuses me sometimes.

I'm going to pick up 'Iris' once I'm done with test #2 next week and watch Kate Winslet jumps into the water (naked), and a sex scene where you don't see a thing (why call it a sex scene then? Heh....), and of course, the most appropriate usage of two F-words.

Oh, and while chugging down the margaritas too.....

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here's a story:

Once upon a time there was a girl who, after debating and contemplating between the Nurse Lane and the Doctor Boulevard, decided that she would take the Nurse Lane because that was where she felt she wanted to be. To make the story short, she finally got into a SoN. Almost halfway through her summer school at the nursing school when she thought to herself, "Self, why don't I write this experience down so I could look back at it someday and be all nostalgic and laugh at my clueless self. Plus, the writing needs some improvement and well, practice makes prefect they say." So she did just that to chronicle what she got herself into.

As for now, she is currently taking Pathophysiology as that summer class. Fall semester will start at the end of August and she has ordered her scrubs and school badge and stethoscope and what have you. She's taken her first test in Patho and passed, just not with flying colors. The next test, a week from today, will be better though.

So there's the mandatory introductory post. No, she will no longer talk in third person like this.